Matthew is a recent graduate looking to complete his Nursing program at Glendale Community College.

"I understand that some people are interested in the nursing professional because of the money or prestige (or because their parents are making them). And while those things are certainly important, the most important reason to become a nurse is to help others without any external biases. Only become a nurse if you want to; the only bad nurse is a nurse that doesn’t want to be there."
Hear Matthew talk about his career and what he he has learned pursuing nursing!
My career roadmap has been defined since the beginning.
I guess it all started when I was born. Normally this wouldn’t matter, but I was born into a family of nurses, and—because I was the firstborn and the only boy—my future was set: I was to be a nurse.
Throughout elementary and middle school, I discovered my natural affinity for helping people. There was something natural about the way I extended my hand to others.
Luckily, I got into AOC, and I took advantage of the opportunities that it gave me. I took all the classes I could that worked towards my ADN.
After graduating AOC, I still had a couple of classes to go, and unfortunately, these were the three hardest nursing prerequisites: Anatomy, Physiology, and Microbiology. But with hard work and perseverance (and a metric liter of coffee ingested everyday), I got A’s in all my classes.
I then applied to nursing schools, but because of the pandemic I could only apply to Glendale Community College (GCC) and COC. I am happy to announce that I got into both and will be attending GCC in the fall!

Here are my extracurriculars relevant to this pathway
Volunteer at Henry Mayo
Currently waiting to step foot on campus!
What I'm currently doing/hope to do
How to maximize my time in high school?
Advice #1: Classes every nursing major should take while they’re at AOC: Bio 101, Chem 151, Math 140, English 101
Advice #2: If you want to go into Nursing, take Bio 101 NOT Bio 106.
Advice #3: Because the Nursing major is super competitive, you need A’s. While your chances of getting into a UC or CSU nursing program right out of high school might be okay if you have a couple of B’s, your chances of getting into a community college program will TANK for every B (or lower grade) you have.
Advice #4: I understand that some people are interested in the nursing professional because of the money or prestige (or because their parents are making them). And while those things are certainly important, the most important reason to become a nurse is to help others without any external biases. Only become a nurse if you want to; the only bad nurse is a nurse that doesn’t want to be there.