"Take the time to be yourself and develop your passions outside of your career. Build relationships with people and grow as a person. School will always be there so don’t put your life on hold."

Lambda Kappa Sigma, a professional pharmacy fraternity, where I had the honor of serving as Fundraising Chair (2018-2019) and President (2019-2021).
My career roadmap has been somewhat defined.
As a result of being raised in a family dominated by nurses, my interest in the healthcare field has always been present — it was just a matter of choosing which profession to follow.
By junior year at AOC, pharmacy became a more appealing pathway to me when I started to consider the length of my education and the amount of patient interaction available to me.
During my second year at SJU, I learned of how a pharmacist does so much more than just “fill and dispense.” Pharmacists are one of the most accessible healthcare professionals to the community, and it pushed me to become more active in learning how pharmacists affect their community.
After joining Lambda Kappa Sigma, a professional pharmacy fraternity, I was exposed to the different pharmacy organizations on campus that focus on a variety of professional opportunities within pharmacy such as geriatrics, psychology and neurology, and hospital. It was also an incredible opportunity to network and be mentored throughout pharmacy school.
Since I grew up being exposed to Kaiser Permanente, I knew that I wanted to set myself up for a career in ambulatory care. To do so, I began applying to numerous hospitals within NYC in hopes of being hired as a pharmacy intern.
At this point in my career, I will be joining the Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC as a pharmacy apprentice and I will be able to learn more about whether hospital pharmacy is the best fit for me.

Here are my extracurriculars relevant to this pathway
Volunteered at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital
Volunteered at St. Clare Catholic Church
Volunteered with Project Linus
Pharmacy Apprentice at the Mount Sinai Hospital
Lambda Kappa Sigma, Alpha Pi Chapter (Fundraising Chair 2018-2019, President 2019-2021)
College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (SGI Liaison 2018-2019, Social Media Coordinator 2019-2020)
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (Community Service Chair 2018-2019)
St. John’s University Career Services (Career Peer 2018-Present)
What I'm currently doing/hope to do
Currently, I will be in my P2 year of Pharmacy School at St. John’s University! I will be continuing to serve as President of Lambda Kappa Sigma for the 2020-2021 academic year where I hope to continue to support the chapter by providing a variety of opportunities for personal and professional growth. I am starting my first ever job at the Mount Sinai Hospital where I hope to learn more about a pharmacist’s role in the hospital and to see whether hospital pharmacy is for me. This is also an incredible opportunity for me to prepare for post-graduation and to prepare for the future. Aside from all of my professional involvement, I will continue to give back to my community (both in New York and California) in any way shape or form because it is important to uplift those around you.
How to maximize my time in high school?
Advice #1: Take any of the relevant COC courses that pertain to your major. It will be so helpful when it transfers over because you will have more time to get involved on campus. Not to mention, those AA degrees are a conversation starter for any recruiter, employer, etc.
Advice #2: Don’t worry about getting work experience so far ahead. I’m going into my fourth year of a six year program and it’s safe to say that I’m doing well for getting a job so late in the game (keep in mind there are people who never get one and they are also thriving!).
Advice #3: Take the time to be yourself and develop your passions outside of your career. Build relationships with people and grow as a person. School will always be there so don’t put your life on hold.
Advice #4: Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone! It’s always worth a try rather than not trying at all.