Sean is an assistant principal of instruction at David Starr Jordan Middle School and an EdD student at USC.

"eek out mentors in education doing what you want to do and ask them many questions. Do not be afraid to reach out to principals, teachers, and others who work at schools."

Here is my thesis for my Masters of Arts in English!
My career roadmap has been somewhat defined.
Having two incredible teachers by Junior year at Saugus High School – Ms. Maria (Notti) Venezio and Mr. Kuhlman. Ms. Notti gave me the confidence in my writing to pursue English degrees. Mr. Kuhlman taught history like no other and made teaching creative for his students.
Attending AOC during its first year—I did not like high school at all and AOC gave me a chance to do high school a different way and also experience college courses for the first time. The fantastic staff at AOC made my senior year much better than the previous three.
Finishing my AA degree at COC in English and becoming an Americorps member during my COC attendance. I was able to work at elementary schools directly with students helping them with their reading. I also worked at a local SCV tutoring company, the YMCA, and for the Saugus Union School District doing daycare.
Meeting my favorite musician and writer Lou Reed on more than one occasion in 2003. I saw four concerts of his in a week all over California. I was able to speak with him backstage at a show in LA. Sharing how his lyrics helped me through school motivated me greatly.
Interviewing for teaching jobs after I finished my English teaching credential work at CSUN. I was not ready to be a teacher (I did not feel comfortable yet in the role) so I went back to school.
Earning my MA degree in English at CSUN gave me a confidence that I lacked before because of the presentations I had to do and the massive amount of reading and writing.
Finishing my MA thesis at CSUN and subsequently earning my MA degree in English. Both of these accomplishments really gave me the tools I needed to teach in the classroom.
Becoming an assistant principal at a middle school and working on my next milestone: earning my doctorate in education from USC.

Here are my extracurriculars relevant to this pathway
Worked my way up to a manager at a Fatburger restaurant
Went to poetry readings to help with my own writing
Took opportunities like attending AOC
Became an Americorps member
Tutored K-12 students at a local tutoring center
Worked with children through the YMCA and day care through Saugus Union School District
Participated in a local community program in Burbank called RISE
What I'm currently doing/hope to do
I am currently an assistant principal of instruction at David Starr Jordan Middle School. I was in charge of discipline in my previous assistant principal position at Jordan Middle School. In my job, I work on student scheduling, curriculum, and special education. I work directly with all the staff at my school, students, and parents. I am currently in a program at USC working on my doctorate in education. I hope to become a school principal in the future.
How to maximize my time in high school?
Advice #1: Work with students in any age group to gain experience.
Advice #2: Seek out mentors in education doing what you want to do and ask them many questions. Do not be afraid to reach out to principals, teachers, and others who work at schools.
Advice #3: Learn how to build a resume for a career in education and practice interview questions.
Advice #4: Build a network of educators who can give you advice and guide you in a positive direction.
Advice #5: Find what you love in education and build on that. Know your values and what you believe in.