Zoe is a Materials Science Engineering major at UCLA with an interest in Biomaterials & medical devices.
"Clarity comes from engagement not thought! The only way to know what you want to do, and to not just get stuck in overwhelming feelings, is to just try, try, try and see what really feels right."
My career roadmap has been all over the place.
Became an Athletic Trainer in High School, through Valencia’s Medical Science Academy, to begin exploring interest in Healthcare. Realized at the end of my Junior year I was missing a certain sense of creativity in the role, and wanted to pivot away from being a healthcare provider.
Featured on CNN for pioneering and scaling community-service Six Feet Supplies, which helped me hone in on my business acumen and made me interested in social-entrepreneurship and digital storytelling!
Lead Project Invent Team to first place, Senior Year of High School, where I was first able to do something in both Science and Business.
Earned acceptance into UCLA Samueli School of Engineering for Materials Engineering with anticipated concentration in Tech Management.
Earned acceptance into Bruin Advertising and Marketing Team UCLA’s only student-run Advertising Agency, where I was able to work on full-fledged advertising campaigns for companies such as Meta and Indeed.
Landed first internship Summer before Sophomore Year of College, with a start-up incubating at UCLA’s California NanoScience Institute (CNSI). Through the recruiting process and in my current role, I have been able to see the value of my unique skill-set and interdisciplinary path.
Here are my extracurriculars relevant to this pathway
Valencia High School Media Science Academy Athletic Trainer (2018-2021)
Project Invent Competitor (2020-2021)
Personal Digital Advocacy Projects (Ralliance, 2020-2021)
Personal Community Service Project (Six Feet Supplies, 2020-2021)
USC Annenberg Youth Academy Scholar (2020)
EC 1: Creative Director, Bruin Advertising and Marketing Team
EC 2: Publicity Director, Society of Women Engineers
EC 3: Intern, ViBo Health
EC 4: Materials Research Society
What I'm currently doing/hope to do
Currently I’m a second-year college student and I’m happily still exploring what I want to do post-grad! Currently, I’m interested in the field of Biomaterials and Medical devices, as I grew up with nurse parents and have always believed in utilizing your talents to help others. But, I’m also open to working in the Business Side, as some kind of project manager or liaison between R&D and the business team. Overall, I would love to have a career that is dynamic, cross-collaborative, and impactful; And I’m excited to see what that looks like! I am planning on working in the industry after school, and could only see myself applying for a deferred MBA program after college. Eventually, I’d love to go back to school for an MBA, an MS/MBA, or a Masters in Industrial Engineering (I love having options, clearly)! I’d also love to become a highschool teacher when I retire in the industry, since I’ve had so many great teachers that have shaped my life.
How to maximize my time in high school?
Advice #1: Flexibility is much more important than being knowledgeable alone. As someone in different spaces, this sentiment is something I always come back to. A willingness to learn and put in the hard work will supersede innate skill alone.
Advice #2: Focus on becoming a person and not just a resume. Don’t feel like your career path has to “make sense”, it’s okay to pivot and want to learn. Your interdisciplinary experiences give way to transferable skills and give you an edge.
Advice #3: Clarity comes from engagement not thought! The only way to know what you want to do, and to not just get stuck in overwhelming feelings, is to just try, try, try and see what really feels right.
Advice #4: Life is driven by processes, not events. Everyone starts somewhere, so make sure to hold compassion for yourself and others. You’re not a finished product by the time you start college or even graduate college.
Advice #5: Definitely go to that concert (it won’t be the end of the world, trust me). But in all seriousness, work-life harmony takes time in college but you deserve to make time for yourself to have fun, exist, and just experience everything awaiting you!